You can cancel your monthly plan from your Account at any time. Once you click the cancel button your credit card will not be charged again. Please note, canceling your monthly plan will expire any press release credits and rollover releases that you have available in your account at the end of the billing period.

How to cancel your monthly plan

1) Log in to your account at

2) Click the Account link on the top navigation menu

3) Click the Billing tab

4) Navigate over to the Current Plan section and click the Cancel Monthly Plan Button

5) Take a few minutes to read through "Do you really want to cancel your Plan" section and click Yes, Cancel My Plan button if you still want to proceed.


After you monthly plan has been canceled successfully, you will see the confirmation details page and an email with be sent to you for your records.

If for any reason you do not see the confirmation details page on your computer screen or receive an email from PRLeap with your confirmation details, then please email us immediately, so we can confirm your monthly plan was canceled.